True Love Never Dies

To think I almost didn't go to this show! To think I almost didn't think Stephen Malkmus would deliver!
Everything I expected and more. He never ages, he never stops being hilarious. Tall and handsome and eccentric and clad in pretty much the same clothes as the last time I saw him. He's the same SM I fell for in high school (1995, circa Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, to be precise), when I pledged my love to tall skinny rock stars (and tall, skinny rock star types) forever.
Life seems so simple when I go to rock shows. On Saturday, I watched Joanna the Jicks bass player and thought, well, maybe I could just learn to play bass and be a Hot Band Girl. Maybe I could get a tattoo on my shoulder and have cool hair and tour with Stephen Malkmus (or somesuch), and life would just simplify itself.
Maybe real life is too hard right now. You know?
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